As long as you can use a credit card responsibly, there are endless advantages to using them. Credit cards offer rewards, protection and convenience when used responsibly. Smart credit card holders can earn money just by using their card! When I was growing up all I was ever taught about credit cards were they are bad and they mess up your credit. That is a lie. As I got older and old enough to have my own credit card I educated myself on them and how to properly use them. I am no expert on credit cards, I am only sharing what I know about them, some tips on using them, and why I love them so much.
Credit cards are great for your financial well-being. Credit cards can help you improve your credit score but only if you use them responsibly. Your payment history and borrowing amount are the two biggest factors in your credit score. Credit cards help build your credit history because when you use them it is reported to the credit bureaus. A good record of paying your credit card bill on time will help improve your score. The more and longer you use credit cards the more they will improve your score. Since your creditors are looking for how well you manage your money, it is good to have more then one card. It is easy to manage one but when you can manage multiples that will also help improve your score even more.
Credit cards also may offer a sign on bonus when you apply. You may have to spend a certain amount of money and in a certain time frame to get the bonus. Earn $200 cash back with the Chase Freedom Unlimited or Chase Freedom Flex credit card. I can be rewarded, learn more.
Right now my favorite credit card is the chase freedom. I love it because I get 5% cash back for every purchase. That means I will earn a small amount of money back from using the card every purchase I make. I also like that is a contact less card. It has a wave like symbol similar to wi-fi symbol on front of the card. You can pay for purchases by tapping the card on the card reader at check out.
I love how credit cards offer rewards programs. The secret is to find a reward program that fits with the spending habits you already have, or partners with a retailer you already like. You will earn points based on how much money you spend for gift cards and other rewards. Usually its 1 point for every $1 spent and depending on the card that will differ. Rewards can include travel rewards. You can also earn rewards for certain spending categories like restaurant dining, gas, and groceries. You can also earn frequent flyer miles. I love using my delta card because I can earn miles which will allow me to redeem discounts on future flights. They may even offer sign on bonus of miles.
Apply for an American Express Card with this link. We can both get rewarded if you're approved!
Credit cards can protect against fraud. Credit cards safeguard your account using real time monitoring for possible signs of fraud. Lets just say your credit card is stolen you can report it right away. Even if purchases are made right away on your card you will not lose much money since charges are withdrawn from credit cards right away.
Credit cards come with purchase protection. Consumer protection is a huge perk. If you purchase an item and later find out the quality isn’t good or damaged you can return the item and get the charged removed.
They offer grace periods. They also don’t require you to have the funds for purchase immediately. When you make purchases on credit cards the money isn’t due right away. You have some time to pay on it.
They can have fewer fees because they don’t come with the overdraft charges or individual transactions fees of using a debit card. They are universally accepted.
Credit cards also have a bad reputation of making you spend money you do not have. It is convenient cash replacement. It can make you think that you can pay for anything without consequences. That kind of thinking can lead to a dangerous path that will end up being in credit card debt.
If you can use a credit card responsibly, there is no reason not to.. Here is a few tips I use personally use when applying and using my credit cards.
1. The secret is to find a reward program that fits with the spending habits you already have, or partners with a retailer you already like. I have a credit card with almost all the retail stores I shop at such as Nordstorm, Victoria secret, Amazon, Maceys, and Jcpenny. Since you shop in those store you like already using one of their store cards can get you reward points which lead to more coupons, savings, and money off future purchases
2. I also have a visa card that I can use at any store. Any bill that you can pay using your credit card, I will do that. I am going to pay the bill regardless might as well build my credit up at the same time and get the points which ultimately leads to rewards. Earn $200 cash back with the Chase Freedom Unlimited or Chase Freedom Flex credit card. I can be rewarded, learn more.
3. Here is the method to my madness! I do not spend money I do not have or that I cannot pay back right away. I do not paying interest on my credit cards. I always pay the credit card full balance off at or by the end of the month. That is my secret sauce!
I also like the chase sapphire card too!
Love always,
De'Ana L. Williams